Friday, February 04, 2011

Snowed In

Well we've been pretty much snowed in for the past 4 days here in the Dallas area. Just in time for me to begin contest prep. Typically the diet part is much harder for me when I'm home. So far this week It's been ok, I have not strayed or really even been tempted to cheat. I'm hoping this will continue, typically the first two weeks are pretty tough.
I think part of what is helping me is that I have all my food prepared and in tupperware the night before. I've expected to get to work each and day and have prepared for work. I think since this is working so well I will continue with this even on my day off. So much easier to grab what I need at the moment and not have to prepare it at that moment.
My training has been going well. Luckily I have equipment at home to get my workouts in with out straying to far from the plan. Just had to make a few adjustments with certain exercises and all cardio done on the treadmill. Just 6 weeks to go to my first contest of the year.

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