Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring is Finally Here

It's been a crazy couple of months. I'm glad to see Spring is here after the last snow we had just a few days ago. Very strange for Dallas. I'm going through some changes at work that have occupied my mind quite a bit and I'm still working on my Bachelor's degree in marketing. Looks like I will graduate in November, hopefully before Thanksgiving.
My workouts have been a little inconsistent in intensity. I'm still getting into the gym but my workout level is down some days. I would like to improve on that here in the near future, but it looks like work may have another thing to say. Its going to be pretty hectic as I will be working in 2 different stores acting as manager for one store. Its good experience and I'm thinking of it as a positive. It's going to be very busy through the end of May and I'm hoping things will slow a bit in June and I can take a much needed relaxing vacation.

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