Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Tis the Season

Well here we are again it's the holiday season. Its not only a time for family, friends, and good will, it is also a time for stress. During this time we get caught up in all the holiday hype and spend hours scouring the aisles at the mall looking for that perfect gift for nearly everyone in your life.

We stress over what to wear to the office party. We stress over the fact there is not enough time in the day to get everything done before Christmas. We stress over family coming into town or traveling to family.

With all this stress and running around it is very easy to feel run down, tired, and even sick. During all this rush we forgot to take care of ourselves. The trips to the mall cut into gym time and good healthy meals. Holiday parties and eating on the run can take a toll on our health.

Just remember the best way to battle stress and the holiday rush is to get to the gym and eat healthy meals. Like your Mom used to say, "Eat your vegetables." She was right eat your vegetables.

Have a protein shake, fruit, and veggies on hand for those stressful crazy days. That is the best way to eat on the run and stay healthy.

Take in Vitamin C and Echinacea to fight off illness. Drink lots of water and drink green tea on those cold days.

Remember just breath it's the holidays. Enjoy!

Happy Holidays!

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