Friday, May 30, 2008

Words From a Client

Are you curious if on-line training with Kim Schaefer works? Well, the answer is yes!!!! I’ve been training on-line with Kim since January 2008 and have had great results. Since starting training with Kim I’ve lost 80 pounds and I’m feeling healthier than ever before. In a recent visit to my doctor, he told my cholesterol level, and my other blood levels were not just good but they were great. My doctor’s words not mine. In fact, he told me to keep doing what I’ve been doing because it is working. There is no doubt in my mind that Kim has the nutritional and fitness knowledge needed to get you in shape and to keep you fit once you reach your goal. If you are dedicated and follow Kim’s nutritional and fitness advice you’ll have great results too. Why wait any longer start training with Kim Shaefer today!

Nelson Linenfelser, St. Louis, Mo, May 2008

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