Friday, April 15, 2011


Well I made it through my 1st two shows of the year. It was a new experience as I switched from figure to bikini and had to learn a whole new way of posing and different type suits. I placed 3rd in Bikini Masters at the West Texas Classic and 10th in Bikini Class B.

One week later I competed at the Ronnie Coleman Classic, the largest show in Texas history. I placed 7th in Masters Bikini and 16th in Bikini Class B. There were a whoppin 28 girls in Class B it was like competing at nationals.

My next show will be in October. I believe I'm going to stick with bikini, my trainer and i both think it's more suited for my body type. I'm just going to try and add a bit more size to my legs, bring in my waist a bit and build and tighten the glutes more.

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