Thursday, November 06, 2008

What's Been Happening in My World

Well we're nearing toward the end of the year and into holiday season. For me it is the end of my contest season. I finished up a couple weeks ago with a show in Oklahoma. I'm glad to be done dieting this year. I'm qualified for nationals so I'm contemplating doing a national contest in 2009.

I just began the next step of college. I finished my associates degree in Business at the end of October and this week I began my bachelor's program in Business/ Marketing. The plan is to have my BS in 2010 the same year my oldest daughter graduates high school.

I'm hoping to start a new job soon. I decided now that I have half of my school finished I would begin fulltime work again. I look forward to getting back out there. I will continue to offer online personal training to those interested my schedule will allow for that.

Well I'm looking forward to the Holidays this year. Todd and i will have a houseful at Christmas with 4 of the 5 girls here in Texas.

Here are a couple of pics from my last contest.

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